Tauiwi Tautoko Resource Library
2 min readMay 18, 2021
All the cool stuff in one place

- Listening Across Difference (19mins) with Dr. Emily Beausoleil, Lecturer of Politics (VUW)
- Tauiwi Tautoko research findings (30 mins) with Dr. Emily Beausoleil
- Values based messaging (60 mins) with Marianne Elliott from The Workshop
- 14 anti-Māori myths in media (20 mins) with Dr.Tim McCreanor
- A Black man goes undercover in the alt-right (18 mins), a TED Talk by Theo E.J. Wilson
- Empathy is not endorsement (11 mins), a TED Talk by Dylan Marron
- The danger of a single story (19 mins) a TED Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- The Citizen’s Handbook, comedy video civics series (10 episodes)
- The roots of extremism (85 mins), with Deeyah Khan
- How Friendship and Quiet Conversations Transformed a White Nationalist (52 mins), On Being with Krista Tippett in conversation with Derek Black and Matthew Stevenson
- He Puapua,securing rangatiratanga with Dr Claire Charters, Prof Jacinta Ruru and Max Harris

- Tautoko Tips
- 14 anti-Māori myths in media by Kupu Taea, media research group
- Messaging guide on the uplifting of Māori children by ActionStation
- The pencilsword: On a Plate, cartoon about privilege by Toby Morris
- The Side Eye’s Two New Zealands: the 2700 day gap, cartoon about Māori health inequity by Toby Morris
- The Receiving End, 5 facts about Māori and police, cartoon by Toby Morris
- Passing the Message Stick guide by Dr Jackie Huggins AM, Larissa Baldwin and Karrina Nolan, supported by GetUp, Original Power and Australian Progress