Seeking a rewarding volunteer role?
Become an ActionStation Board Member!

Applications close 8pm Monday 4 June 2018

3 min readMay 22, 2018

Launched in 2014, ActionStation is the new force for people who believe in a fair and flourishing New Zealand. We act together, in new ways and in real time, to achieve what we cannot achieve on our own: a society, economy and democracy that serves all of us — everyday people and the planet we love.

ActionStation is an incorporated Society with an active and strategic board with members bringing expertise in multiple fields including campaigning, law and politics, social justice, fundraising, technology, communications, entrepreneurship, leadership.

We’re now looking for members to join our board effective 7 July 2018; we have up to four positions available.

Specifically, we are looking for:

  • Tangata whenua with connections and knowledge in te ao Māori
  • Young people (18–25)
  • People with governance and/or financial skills
  • People with political campaigning and/or digital campaigning experience

Role of a Board Member of the Incorporated Society of ActionStation

Ensure that the Board fulfils its legal, ethical, and functional responsibilities through adequate governance, policy development, recruitment strategies, training programs, monitoring of board activities, and evaluation of board members’ performance.

Be committed to honouring te Tiriti o Waitangi and the rights of indigenous people in everything we do.

A Board member’s Relationship with the ActionStation Board

  • Provide steward leadership within the Board
  • Ensure that decisions are reached in the best interests of ActionStation
  • Contribute your insights to the Board’s strategic planning
  • Work with the ActionStation’s board administrative support to ensure appropriate governance
  • Share your knowledge and experience and contribute during meetings
  • Monitor our financial planning and take shared responsibility for oversight of financial reports
  • Contribute to ensuring ActionStation develops a secure funding base
  • Participate in board subcommittees
  • Approve organisational policies and oversee implementation
  • Be responsible for ensuring that ActionStation abides by the rules as described in the Constitution

Relationship with other Board Members

  • Foster a strong relationship of mutual trust with fellow Board Members
  • Work with other Board Members in preparing for board meetings

Personal attributes

In addition to sharing ActionStation’s values you will possess the following qualities:

  • Ability to commit the time needed to effectively deliver on the role of a Board Member
  • Highest integrity and passion about ActionStation’s core mission
  • Have a good knowledge of the environment ActionStation is operating in (Aotearoa New Zealand, digital campaigning, civil society)
  • Knowledge of ActionStation’s methodology and campaigning approach
  • Good judgement and ability to balance priorities and needs
  • Excellent communicator and ability to bring people with them
  • Ability to enable effective decision making and be able to chair and facilitate meetings efficiently
  • Ability to engage critically with information, people, processes
  • Ability to foster a spirit of openness and honesty in the board and with external stakeholders

Aptitude in the following areas would also be desirable:

  • Fluency in te reo and understanding of te ao Māori
  • An understanding of governance principles, though training will be offered
  • Financial literacy and an understanding financial reporting
  • Excellent digital communications and campaigning experience

Time commitment

The Board meets for an online call once per month in the evenings for one hour, and then comes together for a team dinner and full day Board meeting once per quarter.

The total time commitment in hours is approximately: 30 hours per quarter (incl. travel)

ActionStation will cover your accommodation and travel for Board meetings.

How to apply

If you would like to join and enhance our dedicated team please fill in this application form by 8pm Monday 4 June 2018. The application should take approximately 20 minutes.

We welcome and value the contributions that individuals who identify as members of marginalised communities bring to our organisation, and encourage Māori, people of colour, women, people identifying as LGBTQIA+, members of ethnic minorities, immigrants and people with disabilities to apply. We recognise that this list is neither exhaustive nor representative of the intersectionality present within each individual.

We also welcome the contributions of young people who may not yet have the skills mentioned above, but are keen to learn on the job! Training will be made available.

<Click here to apply now>




Community campaigning organisation bringing people together to act in powerful and coordinated ways to create a fair and flourishing Aotearoa for all.