Learn how you can help transform our justice system

At our choose your own adventure webinar

2 min readAug 24, 2020

This Wednesday 26 August from 6.30pm — 8.30pm we are teaming up with JustSpeak to host a ‘choose your own adventure’ webinar where you will get to pick from one of four online workshops to learn how you can help transform our justice system.

The streams are:

  1. How to have persuasive conversations about justice
  2. How to run your own campaign for justice
  3. How you can help get a yes vote for cannabis
  4. How to imagine a future beyond prisons and police

Register here

The workshops are a follow up to our powerful video A Message From 2040 that tells the story of how we get from where we are now to becoming a society that gives everyone what they need while caring for each other and the planet — a future where we build communities, not prisons.

The format of the ‘zui’ (Zoom hui) is that you will join us at 6.30pm for an introduction and then choose which of the workshops you would like to attend. Each workshop is 75mins long and is designed to be interactive and action-oriented.

The workshops will not be recorded, so we highly recommend getting along to this incredible event if you can. All you need is an internet connection to join.

We will also have a digital ‘chill zone’ for the duration of the workshops for anyone who needs to take five and wants support.

We will also do our best to cater to different access needs if you let us know what they are when you register.




Community campaigning organisation bringing people together to act in powerful and coordinated ways to create a fair and flourishing Aotearoa for all.