How we’re going to take over the streets of NZ with ❤ for our trans whānau

People powered aroha

3 min readSep 5, 2018

Since we launched this crowdfunding campaign at 8pm last night, we’ve raised enough money to print 2,000 stickers and have recruited 50 volunteers from Invercargill to Auckland who are ready and waiting to head out into their communities to spread aroha (love) for our trans whānau.

Now, we need to raise $1,000 more by tomorrow morning, so we can print and place 120 giant posters (A1, A0 and SUPER) in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland.

A friendly poster advertising company have generously given us free placement of posters and printing at cost. It’s an amazing deal, but we need to lock in our budget by tomorrow morning if we’re going to secure it.

Will you chip in to help us get over the line?

Here are the posters again from Gender Minorities Aotearoa:


And here some of the amazing sticker designs by Sam Orchard:

An illustration by Sam Orchard with a group of diverse people standing in front of the trans pride flag with the title, ‘Trans is beautiful’
L Word reference anyone?
Two colourful circular stickers that say: “Feminism is for trans people” and “I support all my sisters, not just my cis-ters”

If you can’t chip in that’s no problem — you could also share the love by sharing this blogpost with friends.

Want to read more about this topic or talk to someone about it? Here are some useful links:

Growing up Takatāpui

Takatāpui is a traditional Māori term meaning ‘intimate companion of the same sex.’ It has been reclaimed to embrace all Māori who identify with diverse sexes, genders and sexualities such as whakawāhine (trans women), tangata ira tāne (trans men), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer. These are often grouped under the term ‘Rainbow communities’.

Being takatāpui is about whakapapa (descent from ancestors with sexual and gender fluidity);mana (authority and power to be who we are); identity (claiming all of who we are — culture, gender, sexuality and ability); and inclusion (unity across all iwi, sexes, genders and sexualities).




Community campaigning organisation bringing people together to act in powerful and coordinated ways to create a fair and flourishing Aotearoa for all.