Big day tomorrow for those who love libraries!

2 min readApr 26, 2017


This is an post from Julia, a member of the ActionStation community.

Dear Friends,

Our Save Our Super City Librarians campaign has taken off like a rocket in the past few days. Janet McAllister’s piece in the Herald on Monday really blew the lid off the uncertainty and strain our library staff have been enduring and we’re now adding hundreds of signatures a day to the petition. Thank you everyone!

I think many of us are fed up with government services being run like a business. We expect much better treatment and support for our hard-working community librarians.

Tomorrow is our chance to get Council to do the right thing, to call a halt to these “reforms”, find somewhere else to save a measly $1.8 M, and to involve the community in any future consultations about improving service.

The media is responding to a wave of press releases one of our volunteers sent out this morning and I’m about to be interviewed by Newshub in front of my local branch. I thought I’d better write this now before the day got away from me!

Please keep sharing the link to the petition.

And if you can, please join us tomorrow, Thursday, from 9:00am (meeting starts at 9:30) for the Governing Body meeting at Town Hall, 301 Queen Street. I’m told our presentation is scheduled early in the agenda. The kids are on school holidays, bring them along to meet their Councillors and see how government works.


Julia Schiller




Community campaigning organisation bringing people together to act in powerful and coordinated ways to create a fair and flourishing Aotearoa for all.