Are you a great communicator with skills in marketing and promotions?

Use your skills for good with ActionStation in this paid temporary work opportunity

2 min readJun 8, 2017
Will you help us reach diverse audiences for our election campaign this year

ActionStation are looking for a Networking Wizard to help us help New Zealanders come together to have conversations about the future of Aotearoa, over kai (food).

Pay: $25 per hour (for up to 32 hours work)

Hours: Flexible from now until 30 June

Location: Flexible

Our ideal candidate has:

  • Kick ass email and copy writing skills
  • Excel or Google Sheets proficiency
  • Good time management, organisational and follow up skills
  • Existing reach into different cross-sector networks in Aotearoa
  • Can get started right away


ActionStation are seizing the opportunity that election year brings to engage New Zealanders of all stripes and colours in a nationwide conversation about where we want our wonderful country to be in 2040–200 years on since the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.

We’ll leave party politics, special interests and the usual labels that divide us at the door. This is a chance for people of all ages, backgrounds, postcodes, and incomes to discover what we value as a people, and what is needed to create the more beautiful country and world our hearts tell us is possible.

As part of this, we want to organise 500 people from all around New Zealand to host their own Kai & Kōrero events with friends, coworkers, neighbours and strangers to help create a vision for the future of Aotearoa New Zealand through a uniquely designed and facilitated process.

We need your help to find and recruit 100 diverse hosts, as well as reach out to values and mission-aligned organisations to get them involved or supporting with promotion.

Bonus points for reach into the following communities: social enterprise and triple-bottom line businesses, Māori/iwi, progressive church groups, LGBT+, disability or youth-focussed organisations.

Interested? Please send a CV and cover letter to ASAP. You’ll be working alongside our Campaign Director and Project Coordinator.


ActionStation is an independent, crowdfunded community campaigning organisation representing over 150,000 New Zealanders acting together to create what we cannot achieve on our own: a society, economy and democracy that serves all of us — everyday people and the planet we love.

Read more about this project at

Click here to download a PDF of the job description.




Community campaigning organisation bringing people together to act in powerful and coordinated ways to create a fair and flourishing Aotearoa for all.